Fan Expo Boston (Boston Comic Con) 2018
Join us at Fan Expo Boston, where we'll be at our new usual Endcap Table PR2.
We really love Boston. We've been there a lot!

ComiCONN 2018
June 30. Wayward Raven Media will be attending ComiCONN in Foxwoods, CT once more, visiting one of our home town conventions in the Foxwoods Resort and Casino

New York Comic Con 2017
Yeah, we're back. As if we wouldn't be? You can find us where we usually are, on the corner by Marvel.

FlameCon 2017
August 19 2017. Wayward Raven Media will be attending FlameCon 2017 in NYC with James B. Emmett

Boston Comic Con 2017
August 11 2017. Wayward Raven will be presenting at Boston Comic Con 2017.

San Diego Comic Con 2017
We're going to be at Small Press Q-13 for San Diego Comic Con 2017. Be sure to stop by if you're in the area.
As of now, we're planning on having three new books; The Committee #2, the complete trade of Signed C: The Missing, and a new one-shot title, inFusion.
Unfortunately, we're not going to be shipping any home brew to SDCC, but we plan on having some other goodies.
See you out west!

ComiCONN 2017
June 10 2017. Wayward Raven Media will be attending ComiCONN 2017 at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut.

Five Points Festival 2017
May 20 2017. Wayward Raven Media will be attending the Five Points Festival at Pier 36 in NYC.

East Coast Comic Con 2017
We'll be at East Coast Comic Con again this year! It's right in Alex's back yard, so expect him to be there doing commissions, and with two of his newest prints!
Mark will also be there, and if you ask him nicely (and provide valid ID) he might just give you a home-brew!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
-The Wayward Raven Crew

Green Mountain Comic Expo 2017
We'll be kicking off the first con of the year at Green Mountain Comic Expo in Barre, Vermont.
It's going to be our fist time in Barre, so we're really excited to be presenting.
Alex will be there doing commissions, so please ask him to draw stuff. He loves obscure characters, so feel free to challenge him.
Mark's also excited to be slinging comics in one of the biggest beer towns in the country. If you love beer, stop by our table!
We've got two tables also, #37 and #38, so you can't miss us!

New York Comic Con 2016
We've got some great stuff in store for our friends and fans this year at NYCC.
First of all, we're excited to announce that Horsemen #3 will be premiering at NYCC, and to celebrate, we're doing a great bundle pack. Get issues 1, 2, and 3 for (drumroll, please) $12!
Second, we've managed to get this to the printers just in time for NYCC, Damn Heroes Volume 2! Sebastian's misadventures continue in Volume 2, and as a way of sharing in his misery, we're doing a bundle pack as well. Get Volumes 1 and 2 for only $22, plus a print of one of our many Damn Heroes Strips from the last 4 years. If you ask nicely, Alex may even draw in the book for you.
As if Sebastian didn’t have it rough enough being the only norm in Hero City, now even the creators are out to get him. Sebastian’s five years of court mandated community service are well underway in volume two and his situation just continues to deteriorate. Harried by a hobbit guide, a magical television, a giant green irradiated chicken, a mutant teddy bear and a multitude of minions, what’s a guy to do? Probably more community service for wacky superheroes, that’s what!
Lastly, we've recently sold out of our Surprise Bats ladies t-shirts, but since we love Harley so much, we've updated the design and added a bit of punch. Since everyone all kept asking for tank tops, we listened and made our new Surprise Bats: Suicide Squad Edition Tank tops!
Hope to see you all at NYCC 2016. Be sure to find us at the same place every year, Booth 1266, right on the corner near Marvel!
-The Wayward Raven Crew

Hartford Comic Con 2016
9.24.2016 - Wayward Raven Media will be attending Hartford Comic Con at the XL Center in Hartford, Connecticut.

Boston Comic Con 2016
This will be our third year in a row at BCC. Beantown has been good to us, we truly love doing this con. Hope to see you all there!
It is hard to believe this will be our 4th time attending. Every year the con gets better and better! You can find us at table D228.
This year we have a brand new tank top with our favorite second favorite supervillain (the first is Doctor Entropy of course!) emblazoned upon it.
Speaking of the doc, she brewed up a special batch of her Hefewatzit. For customers over 21 (yes, you'll have to prove it), she might just give you a taste. For those who can't enjoy a fine home brewed beverage, we have stickers!

MASSive Comic Con 2016
June.25.2016 - Wayward Raven Media will be attending MASSive Comic Con in Worcester MA

Atlantic City Boardwalk Con 2016
We're heading down to the boardwalk again this year, and hopefully Mark won't gamble away our comics...again.
Stay tuned for details on any new stuff for this year's Atlantic City Boardwalk Con.
In the meantime, check out some of last year's photos.

East Coast comic Con 2016
Come join us at Table 722
We'll be at East Coast Comic Con 2016, Table 722, in the Meadowlands. This will be our second time doing this show. It's quickly becoming one of our favorite shows.
Check out our Instagram and Facebook for the last East Coast Comic Con, as well as their sister show, Asbury Park Comic Con!
East Coast Comic Con 2015 on Facebook

First Con-tact Convention 2016
Mark and Alex will be in East Elmhurst, NYC for the First Con-Tac Convention.
Alex will be doing commissions and signing Damn Heroes: The First One.
Mark will be there signing issues of Signed C: The Missing Issue #3.
We'll also have our new Deadpool & Peach Shirts, so stop by and pick one up.
if you'd like to pre-order yours and pick it up at the show, go right ahead! Note: We're only going to have it in Cardinal Red for the show, but if you want black, place an order and we'll ship it to you.
Join the Wayward Raven Crew at Wicked Con 2024 in Boston!