Submissions Note: We are currently not accepting scripts from comic book writers but will review samples from pencillers, colorists, letterers, and cover artists.
If you are a creator searching for a publisher, we are always open to reviewing your material. We require a cover letter, a brief one-page synopsis and a five page sample of sequential art.
We have a business model similar to Image Comics. When it comes to creator owned projects we don’t put together teams, we take a percentage off the top and the rest is to be tallied out by you among your crew. We will provide assistance with colorists or letterers if the product comes up short of editorial standards. One difference is that we want to help with the scripting process and revisions before the the project goes into production. Please don’t come to us with completed issues that you are not willing to revise.
Currently our focus is on limited-series, one-shot comic books, and illustrated children’s books but will consider pitches for SF/F short story collections (a one-page query for prose is sufficient).