Wayward Raven Media launched at the New York Comic-Con in 2012 under another banner and it became clear more lofty horizons were in sight. We expanded our list to include illustrated children’s books along with comic books and prose after periods of growth. We're also very proud of our superhero parody webcomic, Damn Heroes. Plus, it’s free. You can find us exhibiting at comic book conventions or online.
Mission: Publish limited series and one-shot comic books that have a beginning, middle and end. Our work is not just plot focused, but also character driven. Most importantly, DEAD IS DEAD. We will also publish prose since most novels and short story collections are stand alone. It’s our niche. And we like it.
“He (Mark C. Frankel) knows how to let the artwork tell the story and gives just enough for the reader to fill in the space between panels. The best part is that the pacing never slows or judders, so there is a smooth flow from start to finish, just as a comic book should be.”
“One of the most successful small publishers I have ever encountered.”
“I came across the Wayward Raven table where Horsemen #1 was front and center. I was powerless to resist and I’m so glad I didn’t try. This is a helluva twist on the Four Horsemen mythos.”
“I’m a big fan of how imaginative this comic is. The story is exciting and the characters memorable.”
“Keeping one foot in reality and one foot in the world of the “Horsemen” makes a series not only fun, but thought-provoking as well. The amount of care for detail in this book is apparent, as the panels go to black and white when freewill is taken, or in question, to give the reader a hauntingly beautiful illustration of meaning.”
Mark C. Frankel, CEO/COO
Mark has worked in Entertainment/Media for over ten years. As a writer, you’d think he would have more to say about himself, but he prefers to be a Man of Mystery (Domestic, not International). Since he is a good sport though, he’ll throw you a bone or two. He is a creator of comics (web and print), writer of prose, and freelance editor. Lastly, he isn’t afraid to stand up in front of a crowd and talk until they throw rotten fruit.
Follow him on Twitter @PantherPitt.
Joshua Lee Andrew Jones, Editor-in-Chief
Joshua was born in winter. Summer is the season of his discontent. With a penchant for wandering, he tends to get lost but most deliberately. In the long-long ago, he was a professional bass player and stone stoop raconteur after college. Then… If you wish examine his neural architecture further, you can find several of his novels on Amazon.com
He can be followed on Twitter at @JLAJones
Alexander Sapountzis, CTO/Creative Director
Alex Sapountzis (SAH-POON-ZEES) is a man of few words, mostly because they get him into more trouble. Unable to decide whether to code or draw professionally, he does both half-assed. Should you observe him in his native New York City, call animal control but do not approach, he might just talk to you.
If you insist on speaking to him, use Twitter instead. @asapcandraw