FREE: Comic Book School Anthology PDF
Rhode Island Comic Con 2021, here we come! DCC 1632
Rhode Island Comic Con is upon us. We will be exhibiting our new comic books and strip book from Damn Heroes. Booth DDC 1632.
Let's Make an Anthology!
October 28, 2021. Wayward Raven is making an anthology of comic books, prose, and pinup art. Paid submissions with incentives.
NYCC 2021 Is here! Find us at Booth 1544!
New York Comic Con is upon us and Wayward Raven Media will be there on the show floor. Booth 1544.
First con of 2021 is going to be Terrific! Terrificon 2021 to be exact.
Wayward Raven Media will be at Terrificon. Located at Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT.