
FREE: Comic Book School Anthology PDF

We at Wayward Raven are big fans of helping each other out and the best part of what we do is that we get to work with our friends.

Most of you may know that Mark and Josh have been friends for most of their adult lives, and while I’m the “new guy”, I’ve been friends with the both of them for nearly a decade now.

I’ve also had the opportunity to make new friends and work with them while on this wonderful journey we call comics.

To that end, I want to mention that I’ve recently had the opportunity to work on some art for the Comic Book School Panel 2 “The Time Inn” anthology.

I got a chance to work with Joel J. Barker, someone I’ve known for as long as I’ve been doing Wayward Raven, having met through the Creator After Con Network, as well as my “local” comic shop at Carmine Street Comics during the before times. We actually attempted to collaborate on two different projects, but only one made it into the book.

Well, the Anthology is out and it’s FREE to download for everyone.

You’re more than welcome to download the full PDF and the moment a physical copy is available, I’ll make sure to help you figure out how to get a copy of it.

Enjoy all the wonderful stories in the book and I hope to be back in Panel 3 as soon as it’s announced!


Panel Two

“The Time Inn”

Free Indie Anthology Comic from Comic Book School by Buddy Scalera

Why are independent comics (aka indie comics) important?

Why are independent comics (aka indie comics) important?

Why are independent comic books important? More reasons than you might think, but it is where the new meets the future. The image is from the upcoming Horsemen #3.    

The Committee #1 is now available on comiXology!

Happy New Comic Book Day! The Committee issue #1 is available on comiXology Submit today! We know you digital readers have waited patiently for this, something which we appreciate greatly!

We are hard at work on issue #2 and as a way of saying thanks for your forbearance, we are going to give you a bit of a sneak peek here. We recently signed Esther Pimentel to do the colors on this next issue and boy are we impressed by what we've seen so far! 

Hope you dig it as much as we do. More news on book two soon!

The Committee #1

by James B Emmett

The Doomsday Clock is ticking down and the only ones who can stop the end of the world are the collective known as The Committee. Watch out! Here come aliens, mages and demons, oh my!

-The Wayward Raven Crew