Let's Make an Anthology!
Want to publish your comics, artwork or prose, but haven’t quite found the right place for it yet? Have a story but it didn’t quite get the recognition that you were expecting? That’s okay, we understand and want your creation for our upcoming anthology! And guess what? We will pay you for it!
We’ve been creating comics and literature for almost ten years as Wayward Raven Media and feel like we can help give back to up-in-coming as well as established creators. As we indie folks know, we are stronger together. So we would like to announce that we are accepting submissions for our upcoming comic and prose anthology.
What a bunch of birdbrains…us in the early years.
Help us shatter expectations.
The subject matter? Rejection. We will be calling our anthology We Suck at Comics, so it is only fitting that our first volume should be about rejection. You can tie your story to the subject of rejection in many ways, but we do ask that you tell us why it fits. Maybe it was rejected by a publisher? Maybe the story is all about feeling rejected? We are flexible, so make your case for why we should consider your story as detailed as reasonable and possible within the limits of our submission guidelines.
Wanna learn more??????
Just click the button! We can’t wait to read your stories!!!!