
AC Boardwalk Con 2015 Wrap Up

Atlantic City was a great show.

There, I said it. It was the first year of the show and it was an ass kicker. Normally a first year show would have a few bumps in the road, and while there were a few, it was an overall smooth experience. 

James, Mark and ASAP at the Wayward Raven Table at ACBC.Thanks to

James, Mark and ASAP at the Wayward Raven Table at ACBC.
Thanks to

I'm still not at the point where I'm used to being recognized, so I still get shocked when I hear that someone already picked up my prints at a previous show. But it is refreshing to hear people tell us they're back to pick up issues 2 or 3 of a book they picked up at a previous show.

James Emmett swung by (literally. The dude is totally Spider-man) and hung out with us. He's really excited about his new book, The Committee, and so are we!

Some of our good friends from Tumblr managed to capture our awesomeness in a GIF. Be sure to check that out too. Check out Do ACBC on Tumblr.

Night life in Atlantic City

We also met some really good people and made a few new friends, so thanks and much love to you guys. You made this trip all the more enjoyable. From what I hear, Mark had a bit of luck at the casinos too.

Adam Wolfe, our former intern, did a pretty nice write up on Bleeding Cool about the show's after party. He had some very unkind words to say about the party, but the party had words to exchange with him, and well, you should read it.

Staying Social

Lastly, but not leastly, we're pleased to announce that we also now have a new Instagram for Wayward Raven Media, you can find it at

As we get ready for the next show, we're going to leave you with a few snippets of some of the show. Be sure to check out our new Instagram, or Facebook and see some of the fun we had!

- Alex "The Worn Traveler"