The making of a comic book: Signed

Many people who read comic books have an understanding of what goes on in the creation of the shiny colorful pages laden with captions and action. But, the process takes longer than most think and is very costly even if you are an artist/writer. Still, the creation takes time and every artist/writer's time is worth compensation. Plus, printing and shipping costs aren't cheap. We all must burden that expense. (Actually, that's not true. You can just go digital if you want but it's hard to sell digital copies at conventions.)

What's involved in the making of a comic book?

Today we wanted to take a brief moment to show you a few stages in the development of a product for your edification. It can be fun but it is work. It doesn't always flow on a smooth path but the friction can make for interesting artistic and storytelling choices that weren't previous conceived; thus, making for a better final piece at the end. Going to throw down some artwork now for comparison. First a pencil that will be followed by some inks and the subsequent colored pages. Although as a comic book reader you know that is hardly the end of the process, however we give everything away.

Signed: The Huntress Cover


That is a pencil of the cover to issue 2 of Signed C: the missing.

Signed C Inks


That is an inked page. Now for the side by side or in this case stacked comparisons.

Signed C Inks

Signed C Colors



Signed C Inks

Signed C Inks


So now you see the contrasts. I must say it is indeed a wonderful thing to see a script become pencils that accept the ink. Then to pass into the vibrant thoughts that paint the life of color on the pages is a joy to behold. Takes time and money though... and a lot more love.

Here's a bonus image from the upcoming issue of Horsemen. It's an ink.

Horsemen Inks

Hope you enjoyed the quick show and tell. Ars longa, vitae brevis.

-The Wayward Raven Crew