signed c

Signed C Kickstarter kicks off today

Greetings on a lovely morning. Signed-2-Front-Cover

Excitement stings like a swarm of bees on the hunt for rare blooms. Today is the day, the day when it all changes, and this morning is filled with hope. Our Kickstarter campaign goes live at 12:30 pm. There will be fun pledge packages for all levels and likes. When we post a live link, please take a moment to investigate. We all need support in this life and making comic books we love is no exception. With a pledge, you not only help an upstart independent comic book company, you help actual people and get goodies in return.

Signed C: the missing issue #2

Myth. Magic. Mayhem. The adventure continues as the powerful sorceress and talent agent C seeks her missing client among the realms. What's a badass gal to do when she can't find her quarry in Hades? Take to the savannah to enlist the aid the Queen of the Hunt, her Aunt Artemis, that's what! C just better to remember to watch out for anything that might be hunting her...

Signed C: the missing #2 is ready for the printer and you can get first dibs through our Kickstarter. You can also snag some great artwork from the books or some exclusive one of a kind pieces from the talented Wayne Brown! There are lots of great deals on our other comic books too, like 5 books for just $7!!!!

You can also get Signed C: the missing #2 for only $2.

Hope you check out the campaign. Our deepest thanks for being a part of the Wayward Raven story.

Ars longa, vitae brevis.