On our way to Boston Comic Con!

The Wayward Raven crew is excited to pass on the news - in just a few short days (August 3rd and 4th) we will be at Boston Comic Con!!!! We will have two table set up in Artist Alley side by side and proudly flying the Wayward Raven banner! If you don't see the casual and contrary Corvus soaring above the crowd, look in the guide for tables AAW21 and AAW22. Alex will be drawing and taking commissions, Josh will be waxing poetic and Mark will be thrilled to speak to anyone who wanders nearby and is willing to engage him (we promise he doesn't bite and sometimes can even be quite charming). So if you are going to be there, drop by and hang out with the flock. See you there! -The Wayward Raven Crew



Wolverine: In the Flesh #comicbooks


Look what we have brewing - another sneak peek!