From The Roost: Red Dog from 451 and Craft Beer in Austin TX
From the Roost: Red Dog from 451 Comics and Craft Beer finds.
If you haven’t read Red Dog from 451 Comics, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised to delve into this. In essence, it’s a fun fast read about a boy and his dog(s) set in a Barsoomian environment via John Carter and the Edgar Rice Burroughs novels.
The dialogue is on point and slim on exposition. This allows the action to do the heavy story lifting. FYI, the protagonist is Kyle, a young colonist and he’s a bit of cyberneticist, so he volleys and vaults about with his cyber-canine pack. They are on a planet called Kirawan. You learn the origin of that name in issue 4. Plus in that issue there’s a games Thunderdome style with funky creatures but I say too much as is.
This series has all the good tropes and done in a stylish and compelling manner. Hell, can’t go wrong with robot dogs. The story was created and written by Rob Cohen, adapted by Andi Ewington, illustrated by Alex Cormack (he does a lot of fun stuff in another series called Sink), colored by John Rauch and lettered by the astounding Taylor Esposito. Taylor’s lettering brings flow and breath to the story. Also, the very talented James Emmett is the editor for this series. Brilliant guy and you might know him from a thing with us called The Committee, which he writes and illustrates.
If you’re looking for some heartfelt scifi, this could be a title to jump into.
Horsemen Update
Got a couple cover options for the new Horsemen comic book trade.
Which one do you like? Please comment below or let us know through social media.
Craft Beer Watch
As a departure from the norm, Alex will now bet talking about his recent beer escapades while visiting Austin over the weekend.
Please note, we do not promote drinking and reading unless your are 21 and only then, done in moderation.
Hey Folks, Alex here. Over the weekend I was in Downtown Austin and decided to investigate some of the local fare.
GloryHole Food Truck
Located just around the corner from my hotel, there was a little square of food trucks. Locals who know Rainy Street probably know where I’m going with this, but for us visitors, you need to stop by this area while in town, particularly on a Sunday night.
I walked in to this little square of food trucks and of course the first thing to catch my eye is a hot dog truck where the vendor was using a blow torch to char some cheese on a dog. Nuff Said!
If you’re in Austin, be sure to check out their Facebook Page:
But wait, what about the beer?
Don’t worry, I got you. Right across from the food trucks on Rainy Street is Banger’s Sausage House & Beer. If I found this place first, my entire entry would be about them. They make their own sausage and fixins themselves (and soon their own bread).
But they have a ridiculous amount of beer on tap.
Like, seriously. I was having decision paralysis
The highlight of my night was Electric Jellyfish from Pinthouse Pizza, a local brewery that from what I’m told does not leave Texas. I’m not one for fancy words when it comes to beer, but this was a pretty solid IPA. It had a fair amount of hazy body and was delicious. I considered going for a second but I needed to resist the urge and sample something else. For science.
Now as I’m more of a stout drinker, I personally had to finish that night with Smoglifter from Brash. I loved the chocolaty notes and the smoothness of the finish. Oddly enough, it wasn’t too boozy, even though it was a bit of an asskicker.
I also stopped by Easy Tiger on my way out of Austin and sampled Highlorde Farmhouse IPA. Mark is always trying to get me to try sours, and I’m personally not a fan, but this is a sour I can get behind. It’s kind of like if Heady Topper and and a sour had a delicious love baby.
If you’re ever in the Austin area, be sure to check out some of these places. Links below!