Save the date: James B Emmett signing The Committee at Carmine Street Comics
We're back!
(hide the valuables)
We just recently debuted issue 2 of The Committee at SDCC!!!! I know many of you couldn't make it there (it's definitely a schlep if you aren't in So. Cal). To make it easier for our NYC fans, we're bringing The Committee to you!
James B Emmett. Author/Illustrator/Creator of The Committee
James and I will be appearing at Carmine Street Comics on August 5th at 2 PM. James will be signing both issues 1 and 2 of the Committee while I'll be adding my John Hancock to inFusion, the one shot Sci Fi book by Joshua L.A Jones that features my cover.
Beware this man. He has comics!
If you can't make it to Carmine Street, don't worry. We will be at appearing at Boston Comic Con and Flamecon in the two weeks following. We'll also have plenty of copies of our newly completed graphic novel, Signed C: the missing!
Hope you swing by and say hello! If you would like more details, please check our Events page or Facebook. See you soon!
Be sure to check the events page for details
- Alex "recently bi-coastal" Sapountzis