Legendary Entertainment: How Dune can save the world.
Joshua Jones Joshua Jones

Legendary Entertainment: How Dune can save the world.

Frank Herbert's Dune has inspired past generations and now Legendary Entertainment holds the rights. If executed properly as a television show, it could help save the world and we will all say the Litany Against Fear.      

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Writing advice: dialogue. For the birds.
Literature, Advice Joshua Jones Literature, Advice Joshua Jones

Writing advice: dialogue. For the birds.

Writing dialogue can seem like a hard climb but there are simple ways to refine your technique. By no means is this an exhaustive piece. These are observations that have served us in the past and hope they can help you too. Yes, that photo of a puppy is there to grab your attention. Now on to serious matter.    

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The Grinch who stole my Christmas has a name: Cancer.
Joshua Jones Joshua Jones

The Grinch who stole my Christmas has a name: Cancer.

For some, the holidays are a lonely time that reminds them of what they have lost. Even though I lost my mother to cancer this year, I did not lose my mind, which almost happened. Death and dying are hard topics to discuss but being prepared eases the difficulty during a traumatic time. 

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