Wizard World Philly swift recap by @JLAJones

Well, the drive down to the Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Book Convention began as the cool temperatures seeped away from the eastern seaboard and we left the NY-Metro area around 6:30 pm. The traffic wasn't bad but it wasn't good as tractor trailers trailed and boxed us in while navigating the roads leading to the G.W. bridge. We passed through however without a scratch thanks in part to EZ Pass and the bells tolled for we as we hit the tolls in New Jersey. Then, before us the scrub pines were barren as we bounced down the turnpike with a soundtrack provided by Schubert and Bach. The heat of the day stretched thin as the light began a retreat in bands that fell in a slow requiem. Onward we went. Farther we traveled. Until... the twists and turns and traffic travails that tie our tired minds to the old town of Philadelphia unbound.


We pulled in to our hotel, checked in and mischief followed suit.

There was merriment that night, perhaps too much, but it offered a path to slumber well traveled, and so it went into the morning where we made our way to the Philadelphia Convention Center. The set up began on wings of coffee and hotel breakfast.


We knew we had little offering to explore when the con was in full swing so we captured a few moments in time... and transport.


The Bat-Mobile was right behind us as was the Mystery Machine as evident in the previous set up pic.

Day one was one of slim interaction with attendees as most where there to see John Cena and his lines could be qualified as remarkable or even votive. But that is to be expected. (The photo is of the Artist Alley area)


Day two.


Day three.


Things got better each day and the cosplay was most impressive.


But the best was the wonderful Amanda who was at the Surreality table right near us. Her energy was enviable. (Yup, that's her as Harley Quinn)


As an exhibitor, what I got most out of it was meeting extraordinary people such as Matthew Fletcher, Chris Uminga, Sara Richards, Kevin Kirk, Chrissie Zullo, Caleb King, Carla Wyzgala and, finally in person, Dennis Calero. Please check out their work. Astounding one and all. We got to meet some other fantastic people who I cannot name as it would in that distasteful fashion of name dropping and to all the attendees who came thank you.

But in the end, we paid our dues and had to leave that historic city behind.


There will be more posts in photo form but I wanted to get this out there before I get absorbed by the struggle of the day. There will be more cosplay.


Joshua Lee Andrew Jones


That Comic Blog Reviews Horsemen #1


Wizard World Philly Day 4