The Ravens are taking flight to Chicago and bringing our indy comic books to the great people of the Midwest. This is our first time at C2E2, be gentle.
Sometimes the door is closed to you and there is much to carry forward in your writing. Here are 8 tips on how to increase creativity and break that pesky writer's block.
A great first sentence can, and will, influence how the reader judges your story. Coming up with one can be taxing but it doesn't need to be. Here are few simple ways to approach the construction.
Creating multi-dimensional characters isn't difficult, but it takes more than just a simple backstory and physical description. There are various, simple techniques in this piece that help you on your way to creating vivid characters who are the engine that drives the plot.
Joshua LA Jones imparts some of the writing wisdom he's gained since the early days of his writing career. He covers constructive criticism, scene structure, editing and pacing.