New York Comic Con Wrap Up - NYCC Was The Place To Be

Although exhausted and a sad to see the fun end, we had a blast at New York Comic Con! It was awesome to see old friends and make plenty of new ones. New York Comic Con was definitely the place to be! We heard that it was the biggest show of the year, pulling in over 151,000 people. So if you couldn't be there this year, we'd love it if you stop by and see us next time. In the spirit of things, we wanted to do a quick photo wrap up to celebrate a great show. Maybe we can convince those of you who missed it to join us next year. We have already signed the paperwork to come back next October, so expect the fun to continue again in 2015!

So without further ado, here is part one of our pictures from a spectacular event. Enjoy!

-The Wayward Raven Crew

New York Comic Con | Badges Ready!
New York Comic Con
Master Shake
New York Comic Con | Blankman
New York Comic Con | Yo Soy Groot!
New York Comic Con
New York Comic Con | Ace and Gary, the Ambiguously Gay Duo!

Welcome to the First Wayward Wednesday!


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