Ain't We Bleeding Cool?!?

In case you missed it, we got some great press from Bleeding Cool this past weekend. If you didn't see the article though, we are not offended. Heck, its tough to compete with Free Comic Book Day (hopefully you DID get your free comic book from us though). With that in mind, we wanted to pop something up here so you could take a peek. Just head on over Bleeding Cool's article, Failure is Not An Option. Not to beat a dead horse, but we do have this great Kickstarter going on too. As of the time of writing, we are only $473 dollars away from goal with 16 days to go. We are all pretty hopeful that it will be successful and humbled by all the folks who have pitched in. We sure would appreciate it if you could take a peek. Just click the nice lady below (but don't get in her way - big mistake that is).

Signed C: The Missing | Bleeding Cool

All pledges earn our undying gratitude in addition to the rewards listed with it. And referrals get you even more cool stuff See the updates page). Josh is even throwing in a free ebook. I don't think we could pack more stuff into this campaign if we tried! Hope you take a look. Thanks!

-The Wayward Raven Crew



We Hit Our Kickstarter Goal!!!


Free Comic Book Day Photos and a Special Thanks to Alternate Universe