Terrific Time At Terrrificon
It was terrific to see you all!
Is Alex “voguing” or did he just see John Travolta somewhere?
A huge shout out to everyone who stopped by to see us at Terrificon! We had an amazing time as always! One could say it was…Terrific!
We figured this would be a good place to show off some of those pics of friends, enemies and ever random cosplayers (maybe even all three in one - you decide). We’ll put them all in here next, but first…
Less than two days left to support Napoleon’s Starship!
We are funded!!!!!! Better get in before it goes away…less than two days left to be part of our most recent Kickstarter. We’ve got some cool new add-ons and stretch goals too!!!
Ok, back to some of our Terrific photos
Thanks again to everyone who made it a great show!
-The Wayward Raven Crew