Feeling terrific about Terrificon 2024
It must be summer because we’ve got back to back weekends with comic conventions here in the Northeast and it is time for Terrificon 2024! If you couldn’t come see us last weekend at Wicked Con in Boston, then we hope you’ll swing by and see us at Terrificon 2024 this weekend.
Ok, so what will you have this weekend?
Well for one, the Kickstarter for Napoleon’s Starship is almost done (just ten days left as of writing), so if you come by and back it, we’ll give you a free comic!
Dance not necessarily included…
Of course, we’ll have tons of great comics , art, books and some freebies too. Naturally we are bringing plenty of Mark’s famous libations - it wouldn’t be a Terrificon (pun intended) without them.
Breaking the 4th, 5th and 6th walls!
Have you seen Alex’s Marvel Jesus yet? If not, you have to come pick one up while we still have them. We almost sold out at Wicked Con!
Sounds awesome! Where can I find you?
Great question! When you get to Terrificon, you can find us in Artist Alley at booth G9. Don’t forget to tell us “Bird’s the Word!”
Final Plea
If you haven’t backed it yet, please consider supporting Napoleon’s Starship on Kickstarter. We are 81% funded with less than 10 days left!
Thanks for considering Napoleon’s Starship. See you at Terrificon 2024!
Pretty pleeeeeeeease!!!!!