Creator Profile - James and Jeanette Lynch Suck At Comics
As part of our ongoing series in the leadup to launching our next Kickstarter for We Suck At Comics, Volume Two, we will be highlighting…
James and Jeanette Lynch!
Hey, how do they have such cool shirts?!?!?!
You mean, besides being able to get them on our website..? Well, James was one of our contributors to We Suck At Comics: Volume One. Not only did we love the story he had in Volume One, but he also pitched us a story he and his wife wrote together, Ideal Bound. Although James “wrote” the story, as you will be able to see through her artwork, it is his wife Jeanette who actually did the writing with her fantastic art and penmanship.
Want this shirt?
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Wanna little peak?
Well, ok. But only because it is you guys…
So what’s it about?
Good question! Ideal Bounds explores different viewpoints on resistance and rebellion, both in motivation and consequence. The dueling narrators have differing opinions on the efficacy of pushing back against authority, how far they are willing to go, and the role that rules play in society.
As a bonus, each letter was handwritten and in some cases even aged to give it an authentic look and feel. We hope you’ll cross the line and go out of bounds with us…
Want more James and Jeanette?
Facebook - JamesIsWritingAllTheTime