Someday We'll Find it

Sebastian and Benefacio argue while hiding out from some deranged minions. Guest starring everybody's favorite frog.

"The Rainbow Connection" was written for The Muppet Movie and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Song in 1979. It is sung by Kermit as the movie's opening number and reprised by the whole cast of Muppets at the end of the movie.


New Reader? Start from the begninning

Damn Heroes Volume 1: The First One

Five years of community service in Hero City is more like five hundred. Just ask Sebastian. After going five miles over the speed limit, that was his sentence. Now he has to find a way to survive being the only normal person in a city of wacky heroes. His parole officer is the world preeminent (yet none to bright) superhero, his landlord is the city's greatest nemesis, and every day the tasks get worse. Get ready to meet giant green chickens, create the worst clones ever and be the entertainment at the home for retired (yet incredibly spry) superheroes.

Welcome to Hero City!

Collects the first two years of the weekly webcomic Damn Heroes.


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