Wayward Raven Media

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Westward Bound Ravens Soaring to San Diego Comic Con!

I couldn't stop myself from playing Going to California while writing this. The song has a mysterious reverence that seems perfect for our first trip and appearance at the Granddaddy of them all, San Diego Comic Con. We've been looking forward to doing this show for a very long time!

You can find us in Small Press, booth Q-13. As a way to mark the milestone, we're are bring three (count 'em, three!!!!) brand new, never before been seen books with us! 

For starters, Signed C: the missing is done! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you can now get the entire series rolled up into a single graphic novel. Rather than make you wait for the final books one at a time, we decided to put them all together in one handy trade. For our digital readers, you'll still be able to get issues 4-6 on comiXology (along with issues 1-3 of course) or our website in a PDF.

James B. Emmett's The Committee, issue #2, is also making it's debut! The Doomsday Clock ticks its way down to Earth's destruction with only a ragtag band of modern knights to end the threat. Aliens, demons and mages, oh my!

And finally, we are releasing Joshua L.A. Jones' one shot, inFusion, with the cover done by our very own Alex Sapountzis! Helium farming on a gas giant is tough enough, but what does the crew do when the ghostly inhabitants start attacking the ship? Dump cargo and run, or stick it out and solve the mystery?

We are looking forward to seeing our West Coast friends and fans and hopefully making lots of new ones. Hope you swing by and say hello! 

-Mark C. Frankel