
8 More Tips for Comic Conventions: The Second List

We just got back from the Boston Comic Con and are exhibiting at a another convention, ComiCONN, at the Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport, CT this weekend. We will be at Table C52, right as you walk in the front door. For more details, check out our ComiCONN 2014 Event Page!

Though there are many who are wise to the ways of a convention, still, we see so many issues of consideration and vexation  that could be easily avoided. Here's a second list of tips for comic conventions if you are a new to the scene. If you missed the first list, you go back and read our 20 Tips for Attending Comic Book Conventions:

  1. Don't take photos of an artist's displayed work without permission. Remember, they are trying to make a living by selling art be it originals or prints. We know people do this because they like the images or the witty caption but it is a no-no. Buy a print instead and help an artist out.
  2. Please do check out comic book publisher's titles that are presented on tables and booths. That's what they are there for but don't stand there and try to read the whole comic without purchasing. If you like it, buy it and make everyone happy. (Yes, this is a reiteration of the first tip but you'd be amazed what people do at conventions)
  3. Don't hold your drink over an artist's table while talking to the vendors. Spilling makes for much regret. (Note from Alex: I have throat punched people for less!)
  4. Well fitting pants are a good thing. Unless you are cosplaying as a sad version of Mario or Luigi, butt crack only causes needless suffering.
  5. As much as all of us behind the tables enjoy lively discussions on things comic book, pop culture, and scifi-fantasy related, we have limited time to engage everyone. If you really want to chat, find us at the hotel bar or come by at the end of the day when the crowds thin out.
  6. Get change. It's hard for most artists, vendors or smaller publishers to break $100, especially in the morning.
  7. The last hours on the last day are great for picking deals so put aside some money to go shopping then and you will save a few bucks.
  8. Don't be a dick. (Again, Alex has throat punched people for less!) This goes for everyone: vendors, artists, staff and vendors. These conventions are overwhelming to most. Have patience. Smile. We're all there to have fun. Being a jerk can ruins a person's day and then they might just pay nastiness forward.  But also, being kind is contagious and that's the kind of infection we all need.

Okay. That's all for now. But if you happen to be going to ComiCONN, please swing by as we have new deals and discounts on new items such as artwork.  If you come see us at table C-52, right by the front entrance, mention this post and get a dollar off a print or a book.

Ars longa, vitae brevis.